In A Sentimental Mood (Duke Ellington)
Posted Tue, 09/27/2011 - 08:20 by Wheel

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Wonderful, smooth stuff!
Wonderful, smooth stuff! Great control and I really like the phrasing ideas.
Thank you
Thanks a lot for your comment! A good word from another harp player it's always an inspiration for me!
Sentimental Mood
I enjoyed listening to this Wheel.It did sound professional & I think you more than met the challenge.Lovely playing. Can I please ask-as I'm only just starting to play in different positions etc what position this one is in (sorry to be ignorant) -is it in third? I really liked the sound of it!!
Hello Patricia, thanks a lot
Hello Patricia, thanks a lot for comment :) It's on G harp 2 position (7 hole retuned) and Ab harp in 4 and 7 I think :) I described my Ab harp in comment for Rob :)
Very slick playing Wheel! Pucker playing? Your bending control is very good here and I think I hear some overblow/ overdraws? A really professional piece in any case and a pleasure to listen to this, top marks!
Hi Rob! Thanks a lot for your
Hi Rob! Thanks a lot for your comment! A real pleasure to read it! No, I'm not a pucker player. I'm playing u-block like Norton Buffalo or John Nemeth. But I'm not curve my tongue in U, it's more like tongue blocking. I'm not overblow player. For chromatic playing I try to use as many harmonicas as I can. Also I try to play on my retuned Ab harp. It has 5 and 7 draw and 3 blow retuned and 2 valves :) Some parts on this one were played on this Ab harp :)
Hi Hank! Thanks a lot :) You
Hi Hank! Thanks a lot :) You always find a kind words for another harp player! I really appreciate it
Not sure of your 'level' but I think you more than met the challenge with some sweet tone and good use of tremolo for a classic Duke number. Most bends were bang on and I enjoyed you interpretation of the phrasing. Very nicely done!!
Hi Hank! Thanks a lot :) You
Hi Hank! Thanks a lot :) You always find a kind words for another harp player! I really appreciate it