Sjoeberg Harp Tuner
Mon, 12/23/2024 - 11:25
Hi Kinya,
Is Sjoeberg Harp Tuner available somewhere? Is it possible to acquire one?
Thank you,
Tue, 12/24/2024 - 10:53
new owner of MasterHarp USA
I found a couple of email addresses for Seth Shumate:
The only thing I found on the internet November 6, 2023:
Seth Shumate and Andrew Larson are the new owners of Masterharp. We are evaluating options for production including aluminum vs. wood for the box material. We are also gauging current interest. How many out there on this page are interested in purchasing a unit? For those who've purchased a Masterharp tuner how has your experience been? Let us know if you track down Seth and Andrew Your HARPSMITH, Kinya