Level 2 - In the lessons, sometimes it seems like the slap is with the chord starting right on the beat with the single note immediately following. Other times it seems like I'm hearing the chord start just before the beat with the transition to the single note occuring right on the beat. Which am I aiming for?
It sounds like everythong should start on the beat but those times when I head the chord portion leading into the single note which occurs on the downbeat, it sounds pretty cool.
Yes, just practice. Also speeding up your slap (moving the tongue faster) helps.
Glad to hear they're sounding better for you. Playing softer is a great idea. It's a good idea to play softer in general, it fixes common issues on the harmonica and gives you greater dynamic range (you can play louder when you want to emphasize a passage, instead of everything always being loud all the time).
There is not just a recording of the harmonica, though you will benefit from watching and listening to me playing it in the video.
Hello bbrown1234. The chord of the slap precedes the intended rhythm. So, if the note is on the downbeat, the chord is just slightly before that downbeat.