I was looking at a Bassman, however I came across the Blues DiVille 410. It has a solid state rectifier. Should I be concerned about that? Can i change it to a Tube?
Hello Tombstone- It is fairly easy to convert a tube rectifier to a solid sate rectifier, but you would need to add a small filament transformer to an amp if you want to convert from solid state to tube.
However, the REAL answer to your question doesn't have to do with tube rectifiers at all! The differences between the two amps are huge- far more than we could easily discuss here and certainly more than the difference between tube and solid state rectifiers. The RI Bassman has become a standard harp amp for bigger rooms. The Blues Deville is much more guitar-oriented.
Hello Tombstone- It is fairly easy to convert a tube rectifier to a solid sate rectifier, but you would need to add a small filament transformer to an amp if you want to convert from solid state to tube.
However, the REAL answer to your question doesn't have to do with tube rectifiers at all! The differences between the two amps are huge- far more than we could easily discuss here and certainly more than the difference between tube and solid state rectifiers. The RI Bassman has become a standard harp amp for bigger rooms. The Blues Deville is much more guitar-oriented.
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