Solo Harmonica Study 1 - James Cotton Licks Etc. TA TEE Sounds
I am enjoying the Solo study. I use it as a warm up in the morning.
I have found that the TA and the TEE enunciation for the chords are the key for me. I look at the examples and voice them first. It makes fitting the chords together with correct rhythm and timing because I can pre-plan what I am going to do with the sounds.
For more involved exercises like 1.10 examples, the James Cotton lick, do you personally still have the TA TEE feel when you play? Or maybe should I say that we should still try to use it in a more involved example.
Thank you so much.
Okay, thank you... everything you bring up is correct. For Hole 1 it's your choice (in other words it's not that important). If you're asking what I prefer the sound of, for me and my students, it's to tongue switch for Hole 1 (tongue on right, single hole on left). For all other holes use your tongue to the left (this is a general statement... there may be times you want to tongue switch for special passage or pucker for articulation purposes).
So, with how you're playing it right now in mind...
Play the 1, then the 2, then take your tongue off to play the chord. If you would like to give the chord an articulation, use a Pull, which is shown in Tongue Blocking Study 3. This is where you place your tongue over all of the holes and pluck off... this is ahead of your studies right now, so just taking the tongue off works.
Before I answer this, I need to know how you play the first hole on the harmonica?... do you tongue block to the right (and to the left for everything else)... pucker... or keep your tongue to the left?