The Split
Sat, 08/15/2015 - 12:40
Hi David,
In the 5th chorus, 3rd bar, there is a requirement for an octave split. Would I be correct in saying that this is achieved using a side flutter going between the 65 and 34.
Many Thanks,
Hi, Paul:
I hope it's okay if I jump in here to try and help. You're referring to the "octave shake", right?
For this, you keep your embouchure and tongue in octave/split positioning. Make sure your tongue is light on the harmonica. Move your head/harp in the usual way that you do a shake, so that you're are shaking between two different splits (the 3-6 split and the 2-5 split).
Watch the video if you need more help and listen closely to the recording until you can mimic the sound. There is no side tongue flutter in this song.