Hello Kinya,
got a new harp in the key of C and the 3 bending was not good. The 3" and 3"' will squeal and it was tough to get them. I checked my self on another C harp an no issue at all ( no issues bending a D or lower harps). So I tinkered with the gaps and the reed shape and I can access them a little better now but still airy and when not squealing if I sustain the note (using a tuner) the squeal will creep in. Any tip on what to adjust? I also found the squeal creeping in on the 2 hole step. Could be me causing this but since I can bend the other C harp and have never had an issue with squealing I'm thinking it's the blow reed.
Thanks in advance!
Rupert is terrific. Thanx for the update.
Your Harpsmith, Kinya
That is a bummer Mark.
Your Harpsmith, Kinya