Start into Blues Creeping Over me
David G’day
I am trying to understand the intro into Blues Creeping Over Me and the layout of the first music line.
At the top it states Key, Form and then Start: From the 1. Im not sure what I am missunderstanding (BTW I have gone back to earlier Music theory material to try to answer the question) but to me it sounds as if the start is on the 4th. How am I missreading that.
The other point I don’t understand is what looks like 5 bars ( 4 plus 2 * ½ measures) in the first line of music and only the first. The first bar (half bar) has a ¼ note followed by a triplet. The second bar starts with a run-over from the first with a ¼ note then has a ¼ rest with 1/8 rest and then into the repeat of the notes of the first bar. Could you demystify this for me please? The start timing and the number of "bars".
Hello John S.
The song starts from the I (one) chord, so we're speaking of where in the form we're starting the song, not the beat within the bar. Songs commonly start from the beginning of the form... the I... bar 9 (known as "From the V"... the V representing the V chord)... and the turnaround (last two bars of the form).
If you would like to learn about opening types visit Performance Training Study 1 - Beginnings, Breaks & Endings
You're right, this song has a pickup, with you starting on the "and" of 3 (the beats between 3 and 4). A pickup does not affect the count in the number of bars in the form. So, in this case, the pickup is a beat and a half and the form begins... 4 bars of the I Chord.