Stay or move on
I'm on Level 3 and I've been working on "Feeling For the Blues" for a few months. I can play it reasonably well but my bending is weak. The 3 draw and 4 draw bends I can do, but they're inconsistent, and the 2 draw whole step bend I am not able to do at all. It could take a while for me to nail those bends, and I'm don't think I will gain anything by continueing to work on "Feeling for the Blues".
What do you recommend? Should on move on to Level 4 even though I have not perfected Level 3.
Ive been working on this for three years. As a former sax player I figured I have a big leg up on taking up another insturment, but Im not finding that to be the leg up I hoped as the scope of skills is so broad.
This is a very fine method and David B is very generous with input.
I have found that I have to settle for 80% perfect at the levels and then to move on, come back later to get the last 10-15%. Keep at the bends. When I started, I concluded it to be impossible but it takes lots of time and patience. As DB says, Harp Ninja adds lots of value. Also keep in mind different keys of harp bend differently and each will require its own practice. Good luck...its a rewarding but challenging journey. I dont think it impossible, but there are so many skills to master its often daughting. Gary
Thank you for your input Gary
Hello vid wes. I recommend you work on your bending (using Harp Ninja) a couple times a day (five-ten minutes at a time will be fine). Also play the study song once a day, focusing on getting more depth out of your bends. If you have already spent time doing the other material in L1, L2 and L3, then sure, move on.