The Strut, 4th chorus
In the Strut, 4th chorus, first IV chord measure, there are G notes played as 2 draw, and a 1-2 draw pull. Being on a IV chord, I wonder why not play blows there, and the pull as 1-2-3 blow? The repeated pattern, 2 bars later, being on the I chord, would use draws.
I am still playing 30% slower and it seems to make sense, and is also easier (3" then +3, easier than 3" then 2).
I suspect that at full speed, the benefit of repeating exactly the same pattern would become more obvious? But then, why have you chosen the draws vs the blows? Is it for educational purposes, or would pros tend to play it that way for some reason?
Hello ÉricD. In this case, I wrote it this way because it felt and sounded good to me. The 3+ and blow pull is fine if it feels more comfortable for you.