Study Materials
Thu, 04/25/2019 - 23:49
I don't know what Study Materials mean
but there is a particular song that I would like to learn on the harmonica
I don't know if that is beyond the scope of your service
thank you
Mon, 04/29/2019 - 07:25
just gonna say awesome song
just gonna say awesome song from an awesome series !
Mon, 04/29/2019 - 13:45
Hello mjwareham11. I recently
Hello mjwareham11. I recently taught this song to a private student of mine. If you complete through Bending Study 4 and Tongue Blocking Study 4, you'll have the skill to play this song.
Hello mjwareham11. I'm sorry, we don't teach cover tunes (tunes by other artists). What I do teach is the technique in which to play them. The study songs are the vehicle for that. The study material are those study songs, along with exercises (pdf, mp3, video lessons, etc.). Tell me the name of the song you want to play. If I have the recording, or can find it on YouTube, I will listen for you and tell you how far you'll need to study in the lessons for you to have the skill to learn that song.