Submitting for evaluation
Good Morning David,
So I'm preparing to record and submit my stuff for lessons level one and I've noticed there's a submittal form on the 'walk with me' tongue blocking study #1 page and one on the movement excercise study 1 - paterns page but I don't see any on the pages ( solo harmonica study 1 or music theory study 1). And at the bottom of the level 1 page theres the 'take level 1 test' which seems to encompass the previous 2.
If I want to make one single complete submittal I should just do the 'take the lvl 1 test' and ignore the others ?
And lastly I'm assuming there's a fee for your time spent evaluating?
Hello R3Dz. A jam track is a track minus the harmonica... I would like you to use that.
Hah, yes, that would be cheating.
Your goal is to develop the skill to play the song with the jam track... this shows that you really know the song.
No metronome needed, just use the jam track.
Play along with the original until you can play at full speed, and with confidence. Then practice with the jam track, circling areas that you get off/lost/need work. Listen to the original in those areas that need work... looping it, so you can listen to, and play to, it over and over, to dial those sections in to be ready to play with the jam. It's a process... it will take time... but the end result is that you will have mastered those techniques and taken your playing to the next level.
Hello Chris. If you want to submit material every now and again, as you need it, there's no charge. Anything on the site can be submitted. For the LOA test, there is a charge ($25 for L1)... to cover the extra time it takes to review the larger set of material, the LOA pin, the mailing of the pin, and other backend stuff for LOA recognition. When doing a LOA submision, use the mass submission form here