Sugar Cain's Custom Harps
Anyone have any experience with the customized Harmonicas from Sugar Cains Custom Harps?
Thoughts, Experiences, Opinions??
ok so I'm very new but I've looked into the sugar custom harps and they look really nice.
^^ that's the sugar mama my next buy ( probably in a key of d since I don't have that one yet) and look on his site he lists all the harps he makes and he lists the tuning that are available.
if you're not sure what I mean by tuning this explains it well :
p.s: for sugar custom harps youtube is your friend XD
Tony holiday has a few harps built by that company, he likes them. I may be wrong, but it seems to be more cosmetic changes, I am not sure how much modifications are done. I can ask him. I have purchased 2 seydel harps from Ben Bouman harmonicas
I love them, I noticed the overblows are easier and the harp is more airtight, and bending is easier. His prices are excellent IMO. I had read that Mark Hummel has used him in the past as well. he has 3 different levels of customization.