Swingin’ Like Hell
Posted Tue, 12/20/2011 - 17:37 by str6

Swingin’ Like Hell
Ab Suzuki Promaster Valved in 3rd Position
David Barrett Backing Track from Blowin’ My Horn
Chorus 1: AAA’
Chorus 2: AAB with fills
Chorus 3: AAB with focus on lower register
Chorus 4: AAA with volume dynamic
Chorus 5: ABC with fills
Chorus 6: AAA, rhythmic and repetitive to build momentum
Chorus 7: AAB using high end octaves
Chorus 8: ABC head sequence
Chorus 9: AAC catchy lick to bring it home
Gary Smith Judging
good third position ideas... good plan for progression of song
I've never tried a valve
I've never tried a valve harp-I guess I should? What was your reason for playing on the valve harp for 3rd positoin. On second chorus I noticed over the four chord a bit of stumbling on the bent notes-I would work on the Juke scale in third position to get that together on 1-4 draw. I feel alot of players don't focus enough on the low end of the harp & perfecting the bends in third. The ideas hold together fine & the repetition works well!
Thanks for the tips, those
Thanks for the tips, those bends can be challenging at such a high tempo. I've been experimenting with the half valved harps and I like them for the high end draws, I feel like they get a lot more volume which comes in handy in 3rd position. And although I didn't use it in this song, the ability to blow bend the 6 hole is awesome. As David commented below, the down side is that they do occasionally stall on some notes if you attack them too hard.
David Barrett Judging
Here we go!
CH1 - Kickin' some butt right from go!
CH2 - Nice use of Af Af B variation of the head
CH3 - Cool lick
CH4 - Nice dynamic change... something happened tone-weis though, maybe you changed the volume via your mic or recording, apposed to doing it while playing? Not sure what, but you lost some tone here... maybe cup the mic a bit tighter playing softer
CH5 - Nice
CH6 - Super cool lick... I'm steal in' it!
CH7 - Nice use of 5-hole octaves here
CH8 - Nice variation on the head
CH9 - Nice repetition here.
Well played. The harp's stalling in some places, you'll want to back your volume off a bit or play a non-valved model. Thanks for submitting!
The title says it all!
Really swinging, man.
Great job!
Great track! Excellent fast tempo leaving the listener with little time to catch up! That's how to swing in third position- top marks!
Nice job! Cool lines and an infectious swing.
Cool song. I really enjoyed
Cool song. I really enjoyed it.
Nicely done with a definite head and solid chorus forms - cool tone that adds to the drive of your melody lines - Congratulations!