First up let me say how much I enjoy your instruction videos. Not sure if this question is for you or Winslow.
Bending with my C harp I am able to easily (relative to my A harp) bend all draw notes fully. I have noticed that my 4draw, Db pitch is playing sharp, not going deep enough (no such issue with my A harp so assume not player error) Question, is this a gap issue or a tuning issue. All other draw notes including 3, down 3 half steps to Ab, are playing nicely. This is confirmed on Harp Ninja. continue reading...
I got myself a new Suzuki Manji LC some time ago. I'm quite happy with the warm tone, the fast response and nice bending qualities of the harp BUT the holes 3 & 4 Draw sound quite muted / muffled and much quieter than the other holes. I cleaned the harp already, tried different breathing techniques, lip pursing and tongue blocking - all without much effect. What else can I do ?
I just bought my first Crossover (D). I read that it is the best "out of box" harmonica and very easy to bend. But I found myself unpossible to bend (or at least properly) before adjusting gapping on 2 and 3.
Is there some problem with me and my technique or harmonica set up? Or it is all normal :)
why do my upper draw reeds not play (stick I guess) a lot. They seem to do it more when I play blow bends but will do it without playing bends also? The worst ones seem to be 8 and 9 holes.
I've been watching your videos about replacing reeds. It's my 5 draw which sounds like a very common problem. My first question (which might answer my main question): how do you get reeds to sound when you are just playing the unattached reed plate? My main question: how do I know which reed plate is for draw notes (and has the broken reed) and which one is for the blow notes? Thank you for your advice.
I just bought Godel Melody harmonica and there are few thing I really like about it. I really like to shape of it, if fits nicely into my hand and, as it has full coverage cove plates, it fit also perfectly into my mouth and do not chop my facial hair.
Bad thing is that I prefer sound of Marine Band, which is more bright and chords sounds much better. Is it possible to tune Golden Melody to sounds like Marine Band? Will any custom comb help?