I have a bunch of old 1960's Marine Bands from the Hicksville, NY era. My question is, can they be made to play as LOUD as a new, currently available standard Marine Band (NOT Deluxe, Crossover, T-Bird, etc.)?
Seems to me the new ones are simply louder. I can adjust the old ones for smooth playability/bending, but they seem to have a softer/muted tone. Is this just a fact, or am I missing some adjustmemts/modifications?
Posted Sun, 04/02/2017 - 17:55 by Harp Tech Kinya...
Hello Harp Techs, who among us does not wish to add more sand into our hourglass? We all seem to not have enough time. This is especially true, when it comes to working on our harmonicas. continue reading...
I am wondering if I need to re-tune a G Marine Band Deluxe I have that has started to make a buzz off the 2 Draw when bent down a step.
The Harp is showing as dead on tune when drawn with the Harp Ninja, but a new harp I've just got shows it about '1/4 past on the dial' (is that 1/2 a semitone sharp?).
Could this be a sign that the reed is going flat due to playing over time? continue reading...
I started with LoA few days ago with Marine Band Classic, and after 4h practice one day, I basically ruined harmonica's comb as it swelled a lot. Now holes are not equal size and wooden barriers between holes can be moved relatively easily. I used sand paper to take a bit of comb that sticks outside of the reed plates but after 1h of playing holes become different size and I think it influence the reeds. continue reading...
Posted Fri, 03/17/2017 - 08:40 by curciopaul@gmail.com
Have you ever experienced harps going sharp over time? This seems counterintuitive to me, but I have noticed that harps I use often, are reading about 5 to 7 cents sharp on the 4 blow and 4 draw for example. It is perceptable to my ear. I hear recordings of myself and they sound unpleasant. This is compounded by the fact that my 5 draw is consistently running a few cents flat (on it's way to being blown out by me overplaying), so the contrast is noticeable. continue reading...
I'm having a hard time getting my reed plates off the comb...
There is usually one or two screws that are really tight and I'm afraid I might have stripped my lee Oskar philips screw driver.
Does anyone else have this issue and have any ninja tricks they can share to remove really stubborn screws? I have a powerbender that I'm trying to setup and I have one screw I can't remove.
Great series on harp tech thanks. I live in France and am struggling to get 0-80 tap and 3/32 bolts to do some reed replacements. Would M2.5 do the job? Thanks
Posted Sat, 01/28/2017 - 21:03 by Harp Tech Kinya...
Hello Harp Techs
I recentlty reviewed No.5 Harp Tech Series and was pleased to see/hear the video content was relevant and timeless (the only exception was that now you can purchase the Richard Sleigh reed removal anvil).