Third postion chords
Thu, 02/16/2017 - 09:25
Hello David I am currently working on level 4 stuff. I also started looking at Rollin Rhumba v1 in third postion. I am just curious about the 1,4,5 chords for third postion. I worked it out I think?? I just want to see if I am way out to lunch. so on a C harmonica in thirds postion are these correct?
1-D,F#,A holes 1,4,8 /2",5,9/ 3",6,10
4-G,B,D holes 2,3+,6+,9+/ 3,7,/ 1,4,8
5-A,C#,E holes 3",6,10/ 1,4,7,10/ 2+,5+8+
Thank you
David Saccucci
Pretty close David. Your list with minor adjustments...
1-D,F#,A holes 1,4,8 /2',9'+/ 3",6,10
4-G,B,D holes 2,3+,6+,9+/ 3,7,/ 1,4,8
5-A,C#,E holes 3",6,10/ 1',4'/ 2+,5+8+