Tongue blocking study 1
Sun, 03/04/2018 - 16:26
On ex 1.3: does it mean that I should play the bottom note then move to the right then back to the TOP left then to the second note top, then down to the third row bottom etc? Example: 4+,4,5+,5,5+5,6+,6.
Tue, 03/06/2018 - 07:55
My pleasure. That sounds like
My pleasure. That sounds like a good practice plan, it will do well for you. Enjoy the learning journey, you can only be a beginner once... this is a fun and exciting time.
Thu, 03/08/2018 - 08:36
Hello Duece32. Go to LESSONS,
Hello Duece32. Go to LESSONS, and under LEVEL 1 there is "Tongue Blocking Study 1.5 - Folk Tunes"
Hello Duece32. In Tongue Block Study 1, Ex. 1.3 you're practicing the Shake. The first shake are holes 4+ and 5+. You'll start with the bottom 4+, move to the 5+, then 4+, then 5+, etc., shaking your head (or hands if you choose) back and forth, quickly, to create the effect. After playing that for a couple of beats you'll move onto the 4 and 5 draws, doing the same shaking motion.