Tongue problem while playing harmonica
Hello David.
I am still a beginner and I am trying to play the basic ,"tongue agility",I always can't use tongue to block the holes, I try to light touch ,sometime I make it but sometime not. when I try to blow 4while I block the 2,3, the 5 or 1make sound , also, when I try to blow the 4,1,the 1 don't make sound. Please get me some tips.
Im beginning my 4 year and I am only beginning to be light enough to be able to feel the holes. All of a sudden the holes feel bigger than they used to. I believe it takes considerable practice.
Hello Chrissy. It will be very helpful to see what your tongue is doing so that you can see what your tongue is doing incorrectly and adjust. Joe Filisko makes a Tongue Block Trainer for this purpose. This can be purchased here:
He also shows you how to make your own.