Too Many Bars
Posted Tue, 12/27/2011 - 18:58 by marcos

144 Bars, give or take.
Swing in F, from ultimate backing tracks (I had to speed up the track by about 25% before using it).
Bb Special 20.
Almost didn't enter it after hearing the brutally good ones already entered, but what the heck? Nothing to lose, right?
Beauty Tone
Love the fat tone you have here. Nice phrasing in the melody lines and such a solid groove. Thoroughly enjoyed this!!
Gary Smith Judging
good tone... could have played head only once... player needs to learn how to build a solo
Cool style!
I like your entry Marcos. Nice movement around the harp and good use of dynamics. I enjoyed your approach to the breaks in the track and your cool vibrato.
Thanks, Rob.
I appreciate the kind comments!
I like the approach and
I like the approach and overall feel. It does feel light & airy,like a swing is suppose to be! Nice ideas too. You definatly have the right idea here-I'm impressed. It has a bit of a Little Walter feel to it! Nice punch on the notes when it needs it!
Thanks, Mark.
Thank you for listening and commenting. It is an honor.
I hope to quote you on my first CD (ha!)
David Barrett Judging
Here we go!...
CH1 - Nice light touch with good tone and tremolo
CH2 - I see how you're trying to add some variety to your repeat of the head, I recommend you ad more
CH3 - Nice long tone on the 2 / I like how you're using the 3" of the V
CH4 - 3 focus / 3' should be a little bit lower on the IV / Nice 3" in the V... good playing
CH5 - Nice textural and dynamic change
CH6 - I like the octaves... this is were a little butt-kicking would of been nice
CH7 - Nice lick and nice sequence
CH8 - Head
CH9 - Nice idea... the song is dragging a little bit on now... you've played this range of the harp before with similar textures
CH10 - Same comment as CH10
CH11 - I like the heavier use of the 3' here
CH12 - Head
A lot of nice ideas here. The song lost its momentum on CH9... to record a 12-chorus instrumental you need to be SAYING something... you were for the first 8... most likely that was the length of the jam track and you felt like you need to use the entire jam track... common issue. The nest step is write material that's in a different range, different texture, rhythm, etc. so that CH9 and beyond can have as much impact as the first part of your song. Keep up the great work!
Thanks, Professor.
I must be learning SOMEthing, because I had the same feeling about choruses 9 and 10. I threw away some high end octave stuff because it just didn't seem to fit the feel of the rest of it. Then I ran out of time before I could think of anything better to "say."
As always, thanks for your kind comments and criticism. I'm honored.
Lots of very catchy, swinging licks going on here! Nice tone too. I got a kick out of listening to this. Thanks!
Thanks, Walter
I appreciate the kind words!