tuning a 'country tuned' harp
Tue, 08/04/2015 - 06:36
I want to convert some of my Crossovers to country tuned harps. I've used the table on this web site:
Any suggestions for finding a similar chart for country tuning?
Sun, 04/23/2017 - 18:37
Welcome back Jim. You would
Welcome back Jim. You would say, "raising the E one semitone (aka 1/2 step) will tune the pitch to F".
- B/C and E/F are "naturally" one semitone apart
- Don't forget to visit this website's HARP TECH SERIES video tutorials for step-by-step guidance on tuning methodologies
Your Harpsmith, Kinya
Hi Jim
Country Tuning is super cool (also known as major 7th tuning in cross harp position). No special tuning recipe required.
Simply tune (raise) the 5-draw reed from F to F# (on a C harp). This will allow you to play a complete major diatonic scale in cross harp (2nd position).
Lee Oskar took this a step further by creating his popular Melody Maker line of harmonicas with the 3 blow tuned from "G", up a whole step to "A" (on a C harp). This means the player can easily play a complete major scale, starting on the two draw without bending any notes! Another benefit of raising the 3 blow (a whole step) will be realized by harmonica players having a difficult time nailing the 1/2 step bend on the 3 draw (Bb on a C harp) on a standard Richter tuned harmonicas. Now, with simple bending techniques, the "Bb" will literally "pop in" (pitch perfect)!
Your Harpsmith, Kinya