I cleaned my C hard (Hohner Crossover) in an ultrasonic cleaner. After putting it back together, it doesn't feel as reactive as it used to, and it takes more effort to bend notes. Has anyone else experienced something similar?
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I assume you mean that you took out the reedplates and put only them (and maybe the cover plates) into the clearner. Not the comb. Some techs believe that even though it's a bamboo composite, and not "lumber" like the Hohner pearwood and doussie (afzelia) combs, the Crossover combs may still absord water.
Post a question on Kinya Pollard's ("Ask Harp Tech Kinya Pollard") thread here, including all details re disassembly and reassembly. and he'll get a good answer back to you. And see his Crossover cleaning suggestions from eight years ago at https://www.bluesharmonica.com/crossover_cleaning
And let us know the result!