Fri, 08/09/2019 - 17:18
Hello David,
In the study song " Rollin Rhumba" Chorus 3 bar 9 starting with draw 6 I hear slight variations of pitch and also at the end of the draw 4 And other places through out the song. My question is are you achieving that sound by using the vibrato technique. I took a quick peak at the vibrato video and you said not to attempt vibrato till you have your bending fairly well mastered, right?
Whateverthat technique is is awesome sounding!
Hello Sanshinboi. I'm glad you like it. Yes, it is vibrato. I didn't mean to throw out a technique you don't know yet, but it just came out. Use tremolo as much as you can now... a solid tremolo is the engine for a vibrato. As your bending gets better and better, over time, the probability of a vibrato happening goes up.