Greetings David,
I have read the offerings on the forum with regard to do vibrato and I have played your lesson on vibrato many times.
My question is...Is doing a vibrato a matter of tuning your mouth, and while doing a tremelo (which I am fairly good at) and simulaniously doing a rapid serioes of relaxed glottal stops?
This seems doggedly difficult for me but I am quite stubborn. I am supposing that it is best to do this fairly slowly in the begging so as to train your throat.
Am I missing anything?
Best Regards,
Hello charrison7734.
Yes "doing a vibrato [is] a matter of tuning your mouth, while doing a tremolo." Nothing else is needed. Do keep your mouth and tongue very relaxed, this is key (the tongue must move from the increasing and decreasing air flow to affect the pitch).
"I am supposing that it is best to do this fairly slowly in the begging so as to train your throat." For the tremolo, yes. Once your tremolo is excellent (you don't have to think about it), then you can try the vibrato. Most find it easier when there is more air moving and they can really accentuate the throat opening and closing to affect the change in pitch. So, for vibrato, most find it easier to play louder at first.
Do keep in mind that your bending should be excellent before trying the vibrato. Though you're not moving your tongue in the normal bending motion, your mouth must intuitively know how to be tuned (via tongue location) to each reed you're trying to do a vibrato on. So, expect a couple years of playing with bending before the vibrato starts to be a viable technique to practice.