Sat, 04/21/2018 - 15:35
I've been struggling to understand how much of your vibrato is accomplished in the glottis (vocal cords) and how much is contributed by the base of the tongue. If I want a fast vibrato, I don't seem to be able to do it all with the vocal cords. I got the bright idea to go back and watch your MRI demo of bending and while there was a quick look at the vibrato, it really didn't help me answer this question.
Hello Dan. The vibrato uses both the opening and closing of your vocal folds (tremolo) and movement of your tongue, and to a smaller degree the movement of the pharynx (vibrato). The tremolo has to be going to move the tongue, so that's on 100%. The tongue (and pharynx) then move in response. How much tongue moves, and which part(s) of the tongue move, all depends on where you're relaxed and where you're tense in your mouth. The key is to experiment, and give it time.