Walkers shuffle
Hi David,
Would you mind providing the Chorus Forms to Walkers Shuffle. I'm trying to analyse this instrumental to help me with my improvising/instrumentals, but am finding it difficult to do so.
Many thanks,
Are you listening to this video "Lesson 16.5 - Student Concert: Walker's Shuffle" or a different one? Just making sure I'm listening to the same one. Thanks.
Thanks for that. I'll go off the sheet music. Here we go...
CH 1 : ABC - Yes
CH 2 : A A1 A2 - Close, A A1 B
CH 3 : A A1 A2 - Close again, Af A1f B (in both CH2 and 3 note that bars 9-12 are very different)
CH 4 : AB/AC - Yes
CH 5 : A A1 B - Close, Af A1f B
CH 6 and 7 : ABC - Yes
Tell me what you think it is first and I will correct you if I hear differently. Also, reminder, all of my study songs have Chorus Form info (written in the sheet music), so that may be easier to analyze at first for you since that information is provided for your review.