What am I doing wrong here?
Practicing on Solo Harmonica Study 2, exercise 1.7, I'm having some trouble on the IV chord. I've had this trouble crop up in some other areas of my practice as well.
On my G harp, when I blow, I don't get the tone that I get when I draw. Sometimes when I blow, especially the combination 2+/1+, I get nothing but air. I've had this happen on other exercises, primarily on combination notes of 2 or more. I blow, and all that I get is air - it's almost like the reeds are stuck. On top of that, my single blow reeds down on that end of the harp sound airy. What am I doing wrong? I don't seem to have this problem on the draws - even when transitioning from a blow to a draw over the same holes (so I would think my mouth is in the proper spot).
Those holes are sensitive... play with a larger embouchure and softer. Dropping your tongue in the back will also help a lot.