Hi David,
I am confused about the differences of harmonicas in market.
Such as:
Big river
cross harp
Solo harmonica
If possible, can you tell a little about them?
Whether they are not fiting to the beginner for learning the bending?
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Hello Jeff. All of these are the same type of harmonica (except Solo harmonica, I don't know what that is), known as a major diatonic harmonica. You can use any of them.
If you feel compelled to try them, give them a try and decide which one you like the feel of the best (in your hands and mouth). They will all sound very similar, so it's not so much the sound you're experimenting with. They will also bend the same, though the better set up the harmonica, the easier it will bend (the Hohner Crossover for example tends to bend easier than most models, due to it being consistently set up very well).
They will all do well for you, so just pick the one that looks good and give it a try.
Most my private students use the Hohner Crossover harmonica, and those on a budget commonly use the Hohner Special 20.