What key is Dear John in?
Hello, David. Happy New Year.
What key is Dear John in where you comp for John Lee Hooker, Junior?
I love every lick you play on that and how well they're placed. Can you give me a start on at least 2 of the big ones: at about 2:19 and 2:48? I assume it's in 2nd position. (Once I feel sure of the key, I'll be better equipped to play with it. I had some weird note that says "AbD," so I'm thinking I may not have that harp and either need to get a new one, or change the key in AS.)
P.S. Did the second one come out yet? If not, when does it?
Thank you, I'm glad you like my harp work on there. I'm using an A Harmonica in 2nd Position for this tune.
At 2:19
3' 3", 2" 1 2
At 2:48
4/5 Shake, 4(with 5) 4' 3' 2 3' 2 2-dip 2" 1 1'
I'm sticking to the Blues Scale in this song.
The newest album?... I have not received a copy as of yet, so I guess not, though it is releasing at different times... one here and one in Europe... so maybe in Europe.