Which Octave to use for Blowin' My Horn?
Regarding the third position study song Blowin' My Horn:
On the 6th chorus at the first measure of the change from the I to the IV chord the transcription notates 3+/9+ as the octave. Granted it can be done but it is very, very challenging at full pace (as though this song was not already challenging enough!).
However both when I listen to myself or your recording, this measure sounds just as good as a 6+/9+. However if this is placed this way as an important learning example then I will just keep working at it even if it takes me another year to get to sound good at full pace.
But before I commit that much time to this one area I just wanted to know if this was a small typo or it really needs to be learned this way.
Thanks for your help and this fantastic learning site!
Keep at it. With some stretching exercises you'll be able to do it!
P.S., It's a typo. It should read 6+/9+. Thanks for finding it ;-)