Whole tone tuning went wrong
Hey Harpsmith,
This is a picture of my G harmonica, Draw Reed, with the 2nd hole draw scraped almost completely. what I tried to achieve is to reach the note C and on the 3rd draw the note E to get the "Easy 3rd! Do it!" tuning, but I only got to C#, even after scraping all that metal... did I do something wrong? (although the free end of the reed looks scraped perhaps, it is not, it is scraped until the thick part)
Thanks in advance,
You're very close to reaching the desired pitch. Do more, but be mindful, that although removing metal from the rivet side will lower the pitch, thinning of the reed will make it prone to premature breakage.
Your Harpsmith, Kinya
Hi Kinya, so if I understand this corectly you are incressing the stiffness of the free end so that it will take more force too bend the tip and this will cause the reed to to move faster.
Now when the rivet end is stiffend up, removeing metal, too take more force this will make the reed move slower.
thank you MX
Hello MX, That's a negative. Removing metal (scraping, filing, sanding, etc.) will always weaken the metal--not strengthen it.
Our goal is to control how fast/slow the reed enters/exits the reed slot. Faster = SHARP, and Slower = FLAT
It's all about the number of times the reed bouces up/down (in/out the reed slot). This "chopping" of the air (aka: vibration) is what we hear as the pitch.
Following that train of thought, if you were fishing and snagged a 40lb halibut, you would not be able to whip the tip of your rod as fast as, before the tip became weighted. In fact, listen to the pitch change of the fishing rod as the hook is being casted through the air.
I recommend you refer back to Harp Tech Study 7 "The Sjoberg Harp Tuner" then watch and listen to how the reed pitch changes as I remove metal from the reed.
Your Harpsmith, Kinya
Hi Kobi, Good to hear from you.
Hmm ... if I understood you correctly:
Let us know the results.
Your Harpsmith, Kinya