Will you take a look at my rhythm notation?
Hi David,
I've been trying to 'borrow' more of your licks again...! This time I'm trying to figure out Here We Go as per It Takes Three CD and I'm finding this more challenging than any song of yours that I've studied so far. The main challenge has been the rhythm.
I've been trying to notate it using notation software, which will help me to understand the rhythm more. I've downloaded something called MuseScore to do this. But notating it has been a real challenge in itself. I've got the first chorus written out, and I spent probably about four hours doing just this.
But the exercise has been very useful. My question is, would you be willing to take a look at my notation (pdf and mp3 with metronome generated from MuseScore), and correct me where I haven't got the rhythm right, before I carry on? If you will, how can I send these to you?
Hello Jeremy. Transcribing is a very powerful tool to develop one's ear, it's great that you're doing it. You picked a real challenging song to start with. In this case there's a great answer... I've already transcribe the tune, so you have something to reference as you go. Go here to purchase the transcription set https://www.bluesharmonica.com/it_takes_three_transcriptions