I was given an unused YAMAHA CHROMATIC HARMONICA NO.-1200 recently and was wondering if anyone had an opinion on the model. A google search brings up quite little except they haven't been made for a while (decade or more) and any reviews were vaguely negative.
Being completely new to chromatic I'm wondering if it is worth using or if, despite the freebee, I should invest in a 270 or CX12 to do my learning on.
Thanks for your time and I look forward to any replies.
Try playing the harp with the covers off while watching the valves in a mirror. The outside valves should be pulled shut when you play draw notes. If they don't then you might consider replacing them. If they do pull shut and don't buzz or rattle or you don't feel like you're sucking on a sieve, then you could probably leave them alone.
Mine had leather valves, which even 40 years ago was a throwback to a much earlier time.
I had a 12-hole Yamaha chromatic back in the mid-1970s when I was in music school.I used it to play classical recitals and also some blues. It seemed like a decent instrument at the time, but then the only other things available were often-leaky 270s (much better nowadays) and some so-so 64s.
At this point I think the current crop of chromatics are likely to serve you better. But if it's unused and playable, why not use it to get started? I was never unhappy with mine.