Where y'all from?
Portland Area, Oregon
Hello all. New to the site and to harmonica playing. I've decided at 58 years of age to pursue my dream of being a blues harpist! I have some musical background and some pretty good foundations with music theory.
I live in Manchester, NH and would love to find a local instructor to augment my online training here on Bluesharmonica.com (or online live video classes).
Looking forward to speaking with many of you and learning from you all.
Originally from the Scottish Borders just south of Edinburgh, now living in Australia just 30 minutes north of Brisbane, Queensland
Gallipoli,Turkey its a cute small seaside town in thrace.
Moscow, Russia.
Hi all. Orig. from Hartford, CT, grew up in NYC, currently in Los Angeles.
Other then a couple of attempts through the years, I have been studying at this site for a year and a few months. Ive benefitted from all the knowledge I've received here. Nothing is a mystery any more. I have a destination and now I have a Road map. Thank you
i live in Carmel, Indiana. We pronounce it differently than the town in California. We emphasize the first syllable. Carmel is adjacent to the north side of Indianapolis, where I grew up. Been in Carmel since 1994.
Hi, I'm from the UK, south of London
Hi to everyone from Ingolstadt, Bavaria, Germany!
From Luton UK, just north of London. I play guitar and have always heard harmonica lines in my head so thought I’d give it a try. Loving the little instrument and love learning.
From south Alabama, USA in Daleville.
I take guitar and harmonica lessons. I have played with both off and on for about 3 years. I just now started taking them serious. My favorite harp is my Custom Seydel Blues Favorite in the key of A.
Ontario, Canada. Just signed up today. Total beginner.
Ontario is a big place. Trawna?
Good morning. I'm from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. I've been playing Mick Jagger in a local Rolling Stones tribute for the past 5 months now and am starting to learn the harp to play at gigs. The first song to tackle will be Midnight Rambler.
Switzerland but living in Barcelona, Spain right now
Hi Folks. I'm from The village of great Yeldham about 50 miles north east of London in the county of Essex. England.
In my second week of learning the harmonica and loving it. Also play the guitar.
All the best
Florida, downtown Miami ☺️.
im a pianist and piano instructor. Nice to meet you all.
Hi all
I'm from Odense Denmark and been a member for a little over a year now and find this homepage excelent in the approach how to learn to play the harmionica a big thanks to David to making it fun to learn to play this little instrument
So glad I found this site! I live in Silver Spring, MD. Work in Washington DC.
I just cant get enough of this
I just cant get enough of this
I'm from Hamburg, Germany. Started playing harmonica last year. - My favorite harp is an A harp (Seydel 1847 Noble) customized by Bertram Becher (Seydel rep). Excellent instrument.
I'm from Brazil, northeast, Recife. Currently living in Goiania, near Brasilia in the westcenter of the country.
Nice to meet you all! :)
Hi, I have been playing a couple of months now and really enjoying Every minute, apart from trying to understand music theory. I have just submitted my L1 for assessment.
i also play guitar, and would love to find a website like David’s for guitar.
hey me too, Canada Montreal.
Salut voisin haha
About 20 miles west of Seattle! Go Hawks!
I'm from Minneapolis, MN. Nowhere near the beach, but in January, I can walk on water. (Quite literally) I'm very fortunate to have found this community of harp lovers! It has been very helpful in my journey. Thankfully, we have some hot blues players to keep us warm on those cold January nights that I spoke of.
I live in Athens, Greece, 10 minutes from the Acropolis. I have no background in music just the will to learn
I'm in Flagstaff, Arizona. Love the Spring here ... May 20th and it's snowing! :)
Started on here with a free month of lessons that came with a harmonica. Due to many things in my day to day life getting in the way, I haven't gotten to do much except the very basics. Been playing with the harmonica since the late '60's or early '70's ... now I'm learning to actually PLAY!
I'm from Blairgowrie, Perthshire in Scotland
Hey All - Just joining up today from here in the green hills of New Hampshire, about 2 hours northwest of Boston.
Greetings All from Nairobi - originally from Toronto. but have been away from the Great White North for almost 20 years now. I've been a big fan of David's material from the first books and decided it's time to raise the bar and give it all before I drop.
Hello you guys, I'm from China and have just bought my first harmonica, a complete fresh man. I just love it.
I have just moved to Fredericia with the family. Been playing for circa 18 years, but only just now beginning to discover TB. Hoping to finally get on the "levels of achievement"-program during the baby's nap-time, when my paternity begins shortly.
Greetings from the Magic City.
Hello Everybody, I'm originally from St. Paul Minnesota. But now I'm an ExPat living in Japan. Only been playing from Dec of last year. Love the site and instruction. Any other people living in Japan please give a shout out!
Hello from the suburbs of Minneapolis, MN.
Hi folks,
I'm from Glasgow in Scotland and have been on here a couple of years but drifted away until recently. Love the blues and really find David's method helps me move forward with understanding. Long way to go though!
Hi Keith,
Nice to meet you here.
I'm in South Austin so not exactly close to you in Round Rock.
Austin is the music capital of the world! :)
Which I laugh at because I grew up in New York. haha
I have been able to locate only one harmonica teacher in Austin and no one that does repairs on harmonicas. Am I just not looking hard enough?
Wow Barry, you posted right after Keith!
Have you two met?
Maybe we should start our own little Austin group. :D
Are you still playing
Curtis from cary NC
I've been playing for approximately two months.
I am connecting to this website from Spain
I bought my first harmonica 3 years ago but I started to play 1 year ago. I have always liked blues music with harmonica sound.
Very difficult to find a harmonica teacher in my area in Spain. This amazing site solved this issue.
OK, just to the east, but occasionally get sucked into the GTA vortex.
Squawking for years, finally got motivted to actually learn to play. Davids lessons have been fantastic!
I also live in Cabarrus County, in the Mount Pleasant area. I just started my journy in trying to learn the harmonica!
I live in Huddersfield, Yorkshire (UK) I'm so glad ive found this website, i'm having hours and hours of fun
Scottsdale, Arizona USA